What happens when the free trial is over?
When your free trial ends, ClubTrack will ask you to activate your account with credit card details. We don't ask for these up front, so you wont be charged until you enter them. It's important to us that you remain in control at all times, and that you get the chance to try ClubTrack without any commitments.
What if we didn't get enough time to try ClubTrack?
If you feel that the 45-day trial isn't quite long enough for you to evaluate ClubTrack, simply get in touch with us and we'll be happy to extend your trial period.
Are there limits on the number of events and members we can have?
No. You can add as many events and members to ClubTrack as you like. Your monthly subscription cost covers unlimited members and events, and there's no incremental charges for any of the features of ClubTrack. We operate on a pay-once, get everything basis.